Program for Leadership and Character Announces Mission Statement and Logo

With the significant expansion of staff and programming in the last six months, the Program for Leadership and Character has worked closely with various stakeholders to articulate and clarify its mission. Through a process of collective visioning and refinement, the Program is pleased to share its new mission statement:
The Program for Leadership and Character inspires, educates, and empowers leaders of character to serve humanity. Through innovative teaching, creative programming, and cutting-edge research, we aim to transform the lives of students, foster an inclusive culture of leadership and character at Wake Forest, and catalyze a broader public conversation that places character at the center of leadership.
In addition, the wonderfully creative minds in Wake Forest’s Office of Communications and External Relations have worked with the Program to develop a new logo that reflects this mission. The guiding light of a star not only provides direction but also offers clarity and illumination, purposes that animate the Program’s work with students at Wake Forest and beyond. The seven-pointed star holds significance in various religious traditions, which reflects the Program’s commitment to an inclusive community that values difference and actively seeks out differing perspectives. The seven points on the star also represent the seven strategies that the Program uses to cultivate character, and the three-pronged arrow symbolizes leadership that beckons us forward, into action. This leadership rests on a foundation of character, with the other four points of the star reflecting the four cardinal virtues: courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom.
We are grateful to designers in the Office of Communications and External Relations for subtly and artfully capturing the spirit of our Program in this logo.