This summer the Program for Leadership and Character will once again be leading the Principled Pluralism Fellowship, which aims to support a small group of students who will pursue research on pluralism, jointly author research on the importance of principled pluralism, work to develop the skills and virtue need to promote meaningful dialogue across difference. The Fellowship aspires to transform students and inform a larger conversation about the value of principled pluralism in our cultural context.
[What is Principled Pluralism, and Why Does It Matter?]
The Fellowship includes a stipend of $4,000 and double-occupancy housing on campus. Fellows also receive personal mentoring from experts in the field. The Fellowship is currently scheduled to run for 8 weeks from June 2– July 25 and will be led by the Program for Leadership and Character.
The Fellowship is open to all Wake Forest undergraduate students in the classes of 2026, 2027, and 2028. The deadline to apply is February 24. Please fill out the form below to apply and if you have questions, please contact Dr. Bradley Burroughs at
2025 Principled Pluralism Fellowship Sign Up
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