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Fall Courses:

HMN 212: Reading the Modern World: Friendship

Instructor: Dr. Eunice Jianping Hu

When: Wednesday/Friday 2:00 – 3:15 PM & 3:30 – 4:45 PM

This course focuses on friendship and its ethical, social, and political significance from an interdisciplinary perspective: philosophy, religions, literature, history, and film. It not only analyzes examples and depictions of friendship from a variety of fields but also introduces and deploys philosophical accounts of the nature of friendship from historical and contemporary thinkers to deepen our understanding of the topic. The course challenges us to think about the necessary components of friendship, and the importance of friendship in becoming a good person and in living a good life. Students will develop a high level of critical thinking and writing skills, will be challenged to think about “friendship” as a general issue in humanities, and will reflect upon the ways in which friendship can and should play a role in their own lives.

HMN 370: Medicine and the Humanities

Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Permar

When: Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 – 3:15 PM

What is the connection between medicine, health and the humanities? This course will introduce students to the different disciplines in the medical humanities, examining the ways in which medicine interfaces with society and how literature and arts can inform medical practice. We will explore foundational questions addressed by interdisciplinary medical humanities research, such as what it means to be human and how to promote the practice of compassionate medicine. We will look at the historical development of health and medicine with its cultural connotations as well as popular images of healers and how they shape medical expectations and professional character formation.

AAS 100: Introduction to African American Studies

Instructor: Dr. Dan Henry

When: Tuesday/Thursday 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM

Introduces the history and evolution of the discipline, key scholars, ideas, and themes, and central disciplinary questions in African American Studies.

AAS 315: Organic Leadership: Lessons from the Black Freedom Struggle

Instructor: Dr. Dan Henry

When: Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM

This course explores philosophies of citizenship and leadership in traditions of African American political thought. African American political thinkers have long interrogated America’s democratic self-image and its realities. In doing so, intellectuals, artists, and movements of diverse traditions have considered what it means to live a democratic life in democracy’s absence, as well as what democratic community could mean in the shadow of slavery and Jim Crow. Our class will read works articulating distinct, often contrasting visions of political life, its moral bases and foundational principles—freedom, equality, association, deliberation, leadership, and the public sphere. Our study of African American political thought will offer students a lens through which to reconsider their own political actions, commitments, and hopes as members of a political community.

ENT 305 A & B: Leadership and Character in Entrepreneurship

When: Wednesday/Friday 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM, 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Instructor: Dr. Fatima Hamdulay

What does good leadership look like for an entrepreneur? In this course we engage foundational ideas around leading; unpack alternate ways of leading; and more specifically, consider leadership within an entrepreneurial enterprise, and the character traits needed to excel as an impactful entrepreneur. 

ENT 305 C: The Generous Entrepreneur: Reimagining Social Impact

Instructor: Dr. Fatima Hamdulay

When: Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM

Being an entrepreneur offers a unique opportunity to creatively conceive alternate, more collectively impactful ways of being successful. In this course, we consider and envisage ways of making an impactful contribution to an increasingly broader range of stakeholders – from building great team culture to embodying exemplary altruism – crafting a vision of impact appropriate for your own entrepreneurial venture.

EDU 101: Issues and Trends in Education: Leadership Through the Teacher’s Lens

Instructor: Dr. Christina Richardson

When: Wednesday/Friday 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM

Issues and Trends in Education is a divisional introductory course. This section, “leadership through the teacher’s lens”, explores the leadership strategies teachers employ daily. Students will explore the characteristics of exemplary leaders. This course introduces students to their own leadership strengths as well as their necessary leadership traits to serve as a leader in the classroom and beyond. 

CSC 191 A & B: Ethics of Emerging Technologies

Instructor: Dr. William Cochran

When: Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, 2:00 – 3:15 PM

Generative AI can write blocks of text with a simple prompt, and deepfakes can create increasingly convincing fake videos. Brain-computer interfaces promise new possibilities of perception, and the metaverse could create entirely new realities. Such innovations prompt the question: what can we do to ensure that these technologies unfold in a direction that will benefit humanity? Students will develop an ethical toolkit to diagnose the moral and social ramifications of emerging technologies and seek ways to craft a more ethical future. Our goal will be to chart a path for several technologies that preserves their promise while avoiding their potential pitfalls.

CSC 391 (F): Ethical Computing

Instructor: Dr. William Cochran

When: Fridays 9:30 AM-12:00 PM

Using the ACM Code of Ethics as our framework, we reflect on computer science as a vocation and students articulate their main motivation for entering the field. Students then work to cultivate the virtues of character, such as honesty and courage, that are consonant with ethical computing. We will also discuss the wider moral and social impacts of CS by exploring how computing technologies intersect with values such as truth, justice, autonomy, privacy, and the public good. Finally, students will exercise their voice by giving a public-facing presentation on the ethical implications of a computing technology of their choice.