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The Program for Leadership and Character will host a special celebration called Friendship: Meaningfully Connect to the World. To celebrate the love, joy, and support that friendship brings we will make friendship bracelets, write appreciation notes, and play fun games on Monday, March 4 on Manchester Plaza from 12 – 2 p.m. (Rain site location will be provided on the day of the event.)

Later that evening, we will have a discussion panel led by friendship experts from psychology, philosophy, and theology in ZSR Library 404 at 5 p.m. with a reception to follow! We encourage you to bring your big and small questions about friendship. Our discussion panelists include Dr. Lisa Kiang, Professor of Psychology, Dr. Stavroula Glezakos, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Bradley Burroughs, Director of Leadership and Character in Academic, Civic, and Religious Life, and Dr. Eunice Jianping Hu, Teacher-Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow. We hope you will join us for an amazing discussion about friendship and how to keep our friends close!

This event is free and open to all students. If you have any questions, please contact Eunice Jianping Hu at

We are happy to host this event with our co-sponsors, the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Pschology, the East Asian Studies Minor Program, and the Interdisciplinary Humanities Program